Saturday, July 5, 2008


Yesterday I met one of my summer goals. I biked from my house to my parents house. It was a 28 mile round trip. I thought the hills would be the worst part and that I would get super tired. That wasn't the case at all. Actually my legs started cramping up around the 21st mile, so stopping became the worst part. If I keep working at it though I should be able to bike further without the pain.

On a side note, last night Brian and I went to watch fireworks at Leawood City Park and I got hit with some firework debris in my arm. It was a 1/2-3/4 ball of chared debris. I've got a pretty good welt on my arm and I saved the debris. I will post a picture of the debris later this afternoon.

Happy fourth of July and long weekend to everyone!

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