Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two thoughts

1. The french diet will be a good way to maintain my weight. Not working so much for me getting to my ideal weight.... I am going to keep the general principles in mind however, but make some big changes.

2. It is my opinion that Kid Rock is the John Mellencamp of the 2000s. I love both of them. Kid Rock does swear quite a bit, I'll admit, but I still like him. Pink Houses and All Summer Long are two great songs!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Isreal vs. Israel

Sorry I made a typeo and misspelled Israel!

Family Guy Reference

I am going to use a Family Guy reference...Things that "Grind My Gears":

1. I've noticed lately, a lot of motorcyclists riding down the street with their helmets attached to their bikes, not their heads. If you spent the money to buy a helmet WEAR IT! You should be wearing one anyways!!!

2. Iran testing missles in the middle east...that causes the price of gas to jump back up to $4.06 for me, sitting here in Kansas. We get it Iran, you're a bad-ass, now stop bugging Isreal and the rest of the world.

3. So few bike lanes in Olathe, Overland Park, Lenexa and Leawood. It's like the trails are my only option for biking. What if I want to just bike across town?! Unless I drive my bike to a trail I can't get my bike there.

...that really grinds my gears Tom, Diane, back to you at the news desk....

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Yesterday I met one of my summer goals. I biked from my house to my parents house. It was a 28 mile round trip. I thought the hills would be the worst part and that I would get super tired. That wasn't the case at all. Actually my legs started cramping up around the 21st mile, so stopping became the worst part. If I keep working at it though I should be able to bike further without the pain.

On a side note, last night Brian and I went to watch fireworks at Leawood City Park and I got hit with some firework debris in my arm. It was a 1/2-3/4 ball of chared debris. I've got a pretty good welt on my arm and I saved the debris. I will post a picture of the debris later this afternoon.

Happy fourth of July and long weekend to everyone!